31 December 2007


Best thing that happened to diabetics? E-Q-U-A-L. Best thing that happened to diabetics and dieters? S-U-G-A-R-N-O-T.

My family has a history of diabetes, so chances are i'm gonna get it as well hehe.
but i'm not that conscious about my eating lifestyle, although i've banned sodas for life. Anyway, there's a place at Westgate (alabang) named Sugarnot! (love westgate) i've seen this branch a few times but never got the chance to taste their deli, i've also read it a number of times in mags so this visit is long overdue haha.

Good thing about Sugarnot is it opens quite early and closes late, so if Starbucks is full of Koreans why not try this place. Aside from yum goodies and pastries(some are made-to-order) they also serve breakfast and lunch+dinner..and yes all of the food in the menu are sugar-free, low-carb and low-fat. We went to the coffee shop around 10pm and grrr wanted our sugar-fix (hmmm is it non-sugar-fix?:)) So we tried some of their cakes:

Canonigo with custard sauce

My ate was disappointed on this one coz she said this should be served with fruits like strawberries, blueberries or something, but this tasted good to me..it's somewhat a version of a brazo mercedes minus the mercedes hehe

Last temptation

This is Sugarnot's best selling cake. It's chocolate cake with truffle filling and ganache frosting.. in layman's term it's a chocolate cake people!!

Fell in love with this one right in a jiffy! and they say this is for diabetics?!?
the cake is super sweet, which is a plus for me but it doesn't over-empower the chocolate taste it should have. if i were to rate it, it's 5/5:)

New York Cheesecake

Bland, bland, bland. It never tasted cheesecake to me. But they say new york cheesecake never tasted good, so heck why did i asked for this one ba?:)

Enjoy the cake with cafe Americano:)

My Sugarnot! experience was not that bad, i wanna come back for breakfast though( my fave meal of the day) if i were a diabetic i'd frequent this place.

.....but i am not so gimme my box of chocolates!!!!!

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