22 November 2010

the LBD is on!

as posted on indarapatra's facebook page, the little black dress challenge takes off today!
deadline of entries will be on the fifth of December..or depending on my mood actually haha.
send me a maximum of three images at indarapats@gmail.com.
everyone is soooo welcome to join the fun:))
so why the little black dress? for starters, black is one of my favorite colors and the lbd is very much present in every girl's closet, it's the universal lingo of dresses. it's your own harold and the purple crayon.


liz said...

I love this idea! I'll definitely send you photos, it'll have to be the LBD from my 30 for 30 picks though, but it'll be great! Following you now so I don't miss out!

Jayde said...

thanks Liz!
can't wait for your photos:))
and thanks already!:))