05 September 2013


Happy Birthday Momma!
I guess I've become an un-theme person of sorts.
Started it with my dad's Pineapple Jays party HERE and HERE, and now with my mom's Cafe de Julie.
Took inspiration from the Japanese coffee houses like Paddler's Coffee and Kona Bagels
but I want people to kind of understand my theme too so I took the commoner's route,Parisian cafes.

Gotta think fast for this party because I literally had a night to pull it off.
Mental note: Impromptu parties run in the family.
So let's begin shall we.

Perfect font, you! Exact font doodling in my head.
If you're impatient like me, I am the crafter to follow hehe.
This is easy, spell STATIONERY.
My favorite! This is originally a gift box template.
Since I wanna go a different route, I made the print smaller
and voila, miniature cake toppers.
First least favorite. Because it took 4 hours to make a dozen!
Sure it's freaking pie box, easy. But hell no.
I won't cut things again, I swear!!!
Hehe. Put brownies inside of these.

The store.
Filled the lower bunks with donuts and croissants.
Yeah, kids do eat everything.
Supah love my gingham cloth.
Had a hard time finding the right one, but I did
so clap clap. So parisian chic man.
Croissants,  had black and white donuts too
but forgot to take photos of it

Looove black and white. Can I use black and white color scheme all the time? Please.


supeross said...

naku jayde ang galing mo na gumawa ng parties!! ikaw na gumawa ng party ni zaira ah! expert ka na!

supeross said...

naku jayde! ang galing mo na gumawa ng parties, expert ka na! ikaw na gumawa ng party ni zaira ah! save the date on june 2014:)

Jayde said...

Hahaha mahal talent fee ko haha